Hello, Health Coaches!

This course translates evidence-based communication science into actionable steps, helping you confidently and effectively use the power of language to achieve better health outcomes with your patients.

The self-paced study takes about 3 hours and requires responses to prompts in learning journals for each section.

After completing the course, you'll attend a live session to discuss questions from this and the clinical refresher course.

Table of Content

  SECTION 1. Time management skills for patient visits (8 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 2- Understanding patients' experience of illness and health beliefs (12 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 3 - "Why do we do what we do?" Understanding patients' behavior intentions (8 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 4 - Evidence-based strategies for beneficent persuasion (13 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 5 - Fine-tuning what you say and how you say it with patients (10 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 6 - Form follows function - structuring your effective patient messaging (9 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 7 - Addressing patients' diverse health beliefs (13 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SECTION 8 - Helping close patients' knowledge and action gaps (10 min.)
Available in days
days after you enroll

What People Say

“In my clinical experience, Amah Health is an innovative educational tool to help clinicians better connect with their patients and understand their unique perspectives...I cannot state enough the value of this type of education for rising physicians as well as doctors, nurses, and other allied health professionals in clinical practice.”

-Daniel Wasser, MD, Senior Medical Director, New Hope, Pennsylvania

“This is a radical innovation to influence health behaviors through better communication skills. It's good timing for the new patient-provider dynamics under the pandemic. With telehealth, patients are more open to discuss their health questions.”

-Stephanie D. Willding, CEO, CommunityHealth

“I’d recommend this course to be taken by healthcare providers in general, specifically physicians or nurses.”

-Rocio L., Health Education Manager, CommunityHealth

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